Secrets From My Grandma's GardenSecrets From My Grandma's Garden Title Bar
   Don Eversoll, entrepreneur and gardener, has published a new guide to gardening. He shares his down-to-earth wisdom and garden secrets learned from his grandmother and years of practice in the Ft. Collins, Colorado area. He also shares his sense of stewardship for the land and community while taking the reader step-by-step through the gardening processes from the ground up. His gardening tips are handy for the novice as well as the expert. This is meant to be a workbook and guide as you discover the secrets of your own gardens.

"Don Eversoll packs a lifetime of learning and observation into 100 must-read pages that will entertain and educate his readers in a most delightful way."

"From the sharing and caring 'country kinship' his grandparents found with their rural neighbors, to the unique insight into raising heirlooms, this is truly one for all ages of gardeners."

- Dick Dunn

Where to buy "Secrets From My Grandma's Garden"More about the book: "Secrets From My Grandma's Garden"

don’t forget to use walls ‘o water

For great protection from the elements (like a late frost, etc), use those walls ‘0 water around your tomatoe plants. They capture the daytime heat, then release it into the plants to keep the ground temps high, and the ambient above 55 degrees.

Red colored plastic is ‘IN’ for growing tomatoes

GO FOR THE RED.  That’s not necessarily a cheer for the Huskers, but a tip for using red plastic around your tomatoes instead of black.  Word is that red reflects more of the sun’s beneficial rays into your plants, than black.  Cut a circle about 24-inches wide, then cut out room for the plant in the […]

Don Eversoll Featured In Fort Collins Coloradoan

Word is getting out about Don Eversoll’s book “Secrets From My Grandma’s Garden” and the forthcoming book “Secrets From My Grandma’s Kitchen.” Reporter Pat Ferrier of the Fort Collins Coloradoan recently sat down with Eversoll for a quick Q & A session: Q: You have just come out with a book “Secrets From My Grandma’s […]


With all the unusally hot weather all across the country this summer, it’s imperative to water your garden a little more frequently than usual…and that goes double for the TOMATOES.   That’s because they normally do not have a deep, extensive root system, and those fine root hairs in the top 2-3 inches of soil dry […]

Don’t dismay if garden gets hailed on

If you’re in an unlucky ‘hailzone’ this summer and your plants take a pounding during a storm, don’t throw away those beat-up vegetables just yet Why?  Because many of them, particularly tomatoes, have a good root system already established and will likely produce tomatoes faster this summer than any replacements you might plant fresh out of the […]

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January 17, 2024

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